I am pleased to announce an all new web site. I have had a web page for over 15 years and it seems like every three or four years I have completely redesigned it. Check it out: www.coldsnapphotography.com, in particular check out the new and expanded portfolio section.
I have written a short article about photographing the northern lights, and about the Photography Day at Living History Farms in Des Moines Iowa.
On September 24th from 3-5pm we open “One Special Place” at Waterfront Gallery. Sue, Val and I are very excited about this exhibit. We have brought together 22 of the top photographers who work around Lake Superior and asked them to submit one image of their favorite place on the lake. I have seen the images and they are great! The opening promises to be a festive affair–join us if you can. The exhibit runs Sept 24–Nov 5, 2011.
Stop by the gallery if you get the chance on your next trip up north.
John Gregor
September 2011