“Raindrops keep falling on my head…” There will be rain, I can almost guarantee that… but, with rain comes wonderful atmosphere, with atmosphere comes great photographic opportunities. This workshop is primarily a field photoshoot workshop. We will explore and photograph numerous locations all around the Olympic Peninsula. Working both the coastline as well as the places like the Hoh Rainforest, Maple Grove, Quinault Rain Forest and the North Shore Drive, and many other locations.
If you want to photograph and add water cascades and waterfalls to your portfolio this is the place to do it. There will be ample opportunity for waterfall and cascade photography as well as images of deep woods, ferns, spring dew drops, wildflowers, and much more.
This workshop is primarily a field shooting workshop. While there are no classroom sessions I am engaging you in one on one tutorials and instruction in the field. My primary emphasis while in the field is to make sure that you are able to get awesome images.
Topics of instruction in the field include:, camera technique, proper metering for proper exposure, how to read histograms, composition for impact, filtering for water motion effects, landscape photography techniques, and much more.
We will be based on the West side of the Olympic Peninsula. You will receive a list of hotel locations upon registration. If you are flying in for the workshop you’ll either want to fly into Seattle or Portland. If you plan to combine the Oregon Coast workshop you’ll probably want to fly into Portland Oregon.
We don’t have a fixed itinerary as locations and sites visited will depend upon weather and light conditions. The 4 day duration of the workshop will allow us to work at a steady but un-hurried pace. Frequently we will be up before dawn and will photograph after sunset with ample breaks during mid-day for rest.
There is a $100 discount if you sign up for both the Oregon Coast and Olympic Peninsula workshops.
Upon registration you will receive a list of hotels with blocked rooms for the duration of the workshop. It is your responsibility to contact the hotels and reserve your rooms.