Orchids Of Minnesota - ColdSnap Photography

Orchids Of Minnesota

Bemidji Minnesota, The Peatland Region of North Central MN

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June 18-22, 2025



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There are 45 species of orchids that are native to Minnesota. We will be photographing at the optimal time and place to see and photograph many of these botanical wonders! The Peatlands of Northern Minnesota are without a doubt a wonder of the world. Diverse in ecology and beautiful in setting the locations we plan to visit are nothing short of phenomenal. Previous years we have located and photographed over 10 species of orchids including the rare “Rams Head” orchid as well as the “Showy Lady Slipper” the state flower and largest orchid found in Minnesota. Every year is a little different so there is no telling exactly what we will find, but I can guarantee that you will come away from this workshop with some of the most majestic wildflower photographs you’ve made!

Rams Head


We are based in Bemidji  Minnesota which is central to the Peatland country. Our photography shoots will in several locations around the Bemidji area.


Grass Pink

Instruction will include landscape photography techniques, including the use of filters, macro and close-up photography, and general photography technique. This will be an excellent summer primer to get you up to speed for the coming  season.


This itinerary is a general outline. It doesn’t include all the specific locations where we will be going. That is because some of these locations are very delicate and I do not want to share them with the general public. Each day our outing will be determined by light and ecological conditions. I carefully scout these locations prior to the workshop and select those places that have the promise of good orchid hunting and photography.

Day One

The workshop begins at 2:00pm in our hotel lobby.

We will have a field demonstration and instruction on macro and close up photography, as well as landscape photography and use of filters for effects. If you are a birder you’ll want to bring your bird kit along to capture whatever we may see, I’ll provide an overview on proper camera technique for birding.

We will spend the evening at Bemidji State Park on the Bog-boardwalk.

 Day Two

Early on our second day we will travel on of our many locations in the area for an early morning of orchid photography. During these outings I will be available for one on one instruction. After the photography shoot we will go to breakfast and then have a break before we head out for the afternoon/evening session.

Bog laurel
Day Three

We will rise early again for our morning shoot. The Red Lake Big Bog Recreation Area has the longest boardwalk in the US! At one mile long it is a great way to see the bog environment without getting your feet wet! After breakfast we will take a break before heading out to our afternoon/evening location.

Day Four

We will rise early to explore some near by locations. One of our locations is a fascinating bog and used by the University Of Minnesota Biology Department as a teaching location.  In previous years we have spotted more varieties of orchids here than another location. After breakfast we will meet for a review our work,  this is a great opportunity to improve your technique and share with others what you have discovered.

Day Five

This is our “clean-up” day. We will use this opportunity to visit those locations or opportunities that we did not have a chance to fully explore yet. The workshop will end at approximately mid-day.

North Central Minnesota, and the Peatlands are without a doubt one of the most exotic environments on this planet. The sights, sounds, and smells of the bogs are nothing short of world-class. I hope you join me on this uplifting experience.


Cost: $1295

The workshop fee is for tuition and instruction only,  not included are accommodations, transportation, or food. If you would like transportation from the Twin Cities and return contact me for arrangements and cost.

A non-refundable deposit of $200 will hold your spot until 60 days prior to the workshop.

Maximum of 6 participants.

Hotel arrangements are provided upon registration. 

Please read our Cancellation Policy.




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