March 2010 Newsletter - ColdSnap Photography

March 2010 Newsletter

March is cabin fever month.

Cabin Fever

This March is no different. So far this March has been teasing us with warm sunny days, promising us an early spring, but I have lived in Minnesota long enough to know that 12 inches of heavy snow could be right around the corner. The Old Farmers Almanac is predicting two major snow storms for the north country this March. March snow storms can make for some of the best winter photography.

For those of you hoping to come up north and photograph the “Stack Ice” I have bad news. This year looks like a bust for ice formations along the shore. The warm spells in January and end of February has apparently kept the Lake too warm for any significant ice to form. Every day I look out over the lake and see a narrow thin sheet of ice floating about 100 yards off shore, however, even if that ice blew into the shore I am afraid it wouldn’t make much difference. But come on up north anyway, sunrises on the lake are typically great in March, and if the Old Farmers’ is correct we should get a couple of good snow storms around the 15th and again about the 21st or 22nd. 

This newsletter I have included an article about keeping your eye on the ball, or what is important in photography, and an article on composition. If you come up north stop by the gallery–the teapot is always on.



John Gregor