Originally posted February 2011
Winter has settled in up here in the north country. And quite a winter it is turning out to be. Sub-zero temps and lots of snow. I don’t mind, in fact, it is shaping up to be a great winter for photography. I must also admit that every time the weatherman reports another “coldsnap” is on its way, I smile and think; “ahh free advertising…..”
The lake has begun to freeze over-although a complete freeze over is very rare, ice has begun to cover many of the bays, harbors, protected waters, and the narrow part of the lake nearest Duluth. It is too early for stack ice, as that doesn’t occur until late February or early March. I will send out a general announcement once I begin to see ice form on the shore near Two Harbors.
I am continuing my series on 12 Locations of Light-12 of my favorite places to photograph on Lake Superior. Featured here is Part Two in the series.
“Summer Solsitice” is the featured workshop this month.
Both of the Winter Wonderland workshops have filled. I have added a photo-shoot portion to the Fine Art Print workshop for those who are interested in some field time as well as computer lab time, there are 2 spots available in this workhshop.