Great Grey Owl that came to visit my feeders this morning.
This is the winter that never ends. So far in April we have received over 30 inches of snow! One one good result will be the spring run-off which hopefully will bring the level of Lake Superior up.
Last weekend I gave my talk on photographing the Minnesota Natural Landscape. As I promised I am publishing the notes from that talk in a sequence of newsletters. This is the first of three newsletter with articles on the Minnesota Natural Landscape. I will expedite my publishing schedule and try to get the next two newsletters out at 2 week intervals. This is the time of the year when we should be planning our summer trips and these articles will have lots of germane advice that I anticipate you will want sooner rather than later.
I had a great turn out for the above mentioned talk, and it was nice to catch up with many of you at the Spring Break Conference.
I am also featuring a short article about my Spring Reflections Workshop at Madeline Island in June which still has space available.
Next newsletter I will return to the series on panoramic photography from last month’s newsletter.
Stop by next time you are up north–the tea pot is always on.
John Gregor |